Mon 15 Apr 2024 at 7:45PM
by Monday Night Comedy at the Pavilion
382 followers Follow
£4 in!
Tickets available from the link in the event info or on Glistrr.
Comedians! Some brand new, some old pros trying new jokes! Each with 5-10 minutes to make you laugh.
Arrive early for a chance to win £10 in drinks.
Heckling is not encouraged. Comedians may sometimes ask things of the crowd but please don't feel the need to shout out during people's jokes and tread on their punchlines.
"A warm, welcoming and inclusive night" Culture NI
"My favourite place to do comedy in Belfast" Rich Hall
"Definitely an ideal way to spend a Monday evening" Gigging NI
"packed comedy night.. biggest laughs of the night" RTE Prime time
Mon 15 April 2024
7:45PM - 10:30PM
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